Ted Lund
I was born into a logging family in Northern Idaho; so, naturally, I grew up with a love of wood. After a career as a plant breeder and agricultural specialist, my wife and I retired to Sequim in 2015. My wife had bought an old craftsman lathe at a yard sale years before, thinking I might enjoy it. Wayne Boden, one of my first new friends, here, introduced me to wood turning, gave me a couple of lessons and a few tools, and took me to a Strait Turners meeting. I built a small woodshop for a growing collection of tools. The Craftsman was soon in the dumpster and I bought a decent lathe. Since then, I have turned hundreds of bowls and assorted other projects on the lathe. I also do some furniture and other woodworking projects. My shop is my man cave, where I can be patient and creative.
Vice President
Brian Johnson
I have been turning wood since 2010 when I moved to Asheville, North Carolina. I was introduced to woodturning through the Carolina Mountain Woodturners. I got involved with the organization and eventually became the president of the club from 20018-2019.
Woodturning for me is a serious hobby. I learned through watching demonstrations and taking numerous woodturning classes through the club and at Arrowmont Arts and Crafts School in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
My wife and I moved to Port Townsend in 2019 and I joined the Strait Turners. I am now the Vice President and Program Director of this club. It is my intention to organize interesting demonstrations for members, as well as schedule small group shop sessions and ’sawdust’ sessions where members are able to observe several demos simultaneously.
Past President
Jon Geisbush
Born in Spokane and lived in the four corners of the US as I worked in all aspects of Nuclear Power from design, test, operate, refuel, and disposal of nuclear reactor plants. Over thirty of those years were associated with Naval Nuclear Propulsion and 15 years at Hanford.
Presently my wife, Penny, and I chair the Food4Kids program in Kingston; last year we delivered over 12,000 generous and nourishing meals to food deficient kids in the Kingston area.
I love the feel, smell and appearance of wood. Woodturning occupies a large part of my time that is not tied up in other matters. I am still a pretty basic turner on a constant endeavor to see what I can find inside of the piece of wood that comes into my attention. I usually look for bowls and unique spindle turned items. I hope to get into resins and start learning how to make hollow figures.
My goal for Strait Turners is to infuse a growing training program that considers beginners through expert turners, in a socially enjoyable atmosphere. A key aspect of this is to attract more members and hopefully some new members with of a younger age than many of us.
Should the need arise, please contact me at or 360 297 1773
Communications Director
Jeff Foro
I was born in 1950. (now you know how old I am) 😊
I went to the University of Washington.
I married my current and only wife in 1974 and we have two grown sons.
I was a network engineer and then worked for 23 years at The Boeing Company as a System engineer
Worked doing “System Design and Integration” – whatever that is
Retired in 2014 and moved to Sequim in 2016. Worked doing “System Design and Integration” – whatever
Served on Strait Turners Board
- Member of at Large
- Vice-President
- President (2 years)
- Previous Past President
I am a Ham radio licensee – WA7HDY
Marilyn Bergevin
I am a retired educational administrator and teacher. I have been in love with woodworking since high school as the only girl in wood shop classes. I have a large shop for furniture building. I started wood turning in 2019 studying with Yakima native John Barany. I am new to the Sequim and Peninsula area. I joined the Strait Turner club so I could meet like minded people, promote the hobby and improve my skills. I look forward to serving as club secretary.
Membership Director
Lisa Brice
I grew up in Woodinville, WA, in a log house my parents built when I was 5 years old. My fascination with woodworking continued with 3 years of woodshop in junior high, followed by multiple home remodeling and building projects as an adult. I did not pick up wood turning until a few years ago, when I took a class in Seattle. After moving to the Peninsula, I found Strait Turners, and have been fortunate to be mentored by two amazing women in the club. I still consider myself a beginner – I just bought my first lathe and am quickly collecting tools and wood.
I currently live in Port Townsend with my cat Natasha, where I teach crochet classes at the local yarn shop and volunteer with the Main Street Association.
Jackie Le Doux
Have lived in Port Angeles most of my life. Am active in the Strait Turners woodturning club.
Accountant at banks, receptionist/accountant for a Gas company, worked for an accounting firm doing simple Income Tax preparations/ monthly accounting for clients, accountant at First Federal Bank for almost 30 years.
Member At Large
David Sellman
I was raised in Idaho where I got married to my lovely wife 53 years ago, I guess it’ll probably work out. I went to college in Boise – Boise State and got my degree in business. I retired from the government in 2006 after working around the world negotiating contracts for the U.S. services. I moved to Sequim in 2014 and started turning in 2016 after I ended up in a wheelchair. Turning was the only woodworking I could readily do since I couldn’t wrestle around sheets of plywood anymore. I joined Strait Turners in 2016, I believe; and have enjoyed the interaction with such a great group of turners. I have been able to extract a lot of knowledge/wisdom about turning from everyone. It’s made my hobby blossom and the joy of learning new techniques and approaches is wonderful. I have managed to turn a lot of items that have sold well at craft shows and allowed me to donate the earnings to charity. That’s my justification for buying more wood and equipment. I’ve enjoyed contributing in a small way to the club by being on the board and look forward to more years of association.
Member-at-Large #2
Antoinette Teglovic
I was born in N.Y.C., moons ago. I remember when the streets were clean and even a child could walk around in safety. Moved around quite a bit as an adult. Did many different things to keep body and soul intact.( be kind ). Became interested in art at a later age. Attended college and ended up working for the art department. I am a painter, fabric arts, will try most everything person, so when my daughter became a turner I became interested as well. Love being around people. Photo is at F.O.T. Gala, yes I do trees as well.